
February 11, 2021

Free Health Screenings

Beginning Tuesday, March 2, 2021, Panhandle Health will be offering free health screenings (BP, fasting glucose, hemoglobin A1c, BMI and a complete lipid panel) to our patients with the intention of identifying persons with excessive risk for diabetes, stroke and heart disease. These screenings will occur on the first Tuesday of every month during clinic hours beginning at 5:30 pm. Screenings take approximately 30 minutes and are at no cost to the patient. Patients identified with health screening concerns will be referred to the BPiCC clinic staff when the persons identified have no access to an existing health care/primary care […]
October 1, 2020

Clinic Update

BPICC will start seeing patients in clinic on Thursday, October 8th. BPICC will be seeing patients every Tuesday evening from 5:30 pm until the last patient is seen (a total of 8 patients per clinic evening). Free health screenings are also offered by Panhandle Health the first Tuesday of every month beginning at 4 pm. Patients are welcome to collaborate the health screenings with a BPICC clinic visit. COVID Precautions: You will be required to answer health questions and have your temperature checked prior to entering the building. We WILL NOT be able to see you if you have a […]